Senator (Politics of Love Book 2) Read online

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  More than likely, yes. If the thought of it shredded something inside me, then the actual event would probably cause me to have the same reaction Kevin had, or worse.

  I walked over to Kevin and brushed his hair.

  “Is there anything else we can do for you?” Luke asked.

  “No. I appreciate your help.”

  Luke nodded and left me with Kevin.

  I sat down, kicking off my shoes. “Kev.” I touched his cheek and then felt his forehead. “You need to wake up.”

  There was no response. He was out cold. I reached over for a blanket in a basket next to the sofa and tucked it around Kevin. The weather was still chilly in DC, and I wanted him to be warm.

  I waited a few minutes, watching him, and then decided I had to get out of my ball gown. But first I’d better make sure everything was ready in case Kevin woke. After setting a trash can within easy reach for Kevin, I made my way down to the kitchen. A shadow was outside my back door, making me jump for a second before I realized it was another team of security. They took their job seriously and would never let anything leak about tonight. Hell, they’d kept a tight lid on my relationship with Veer, and we’d spent most of our days naked whenever he came to visit.

  I made a pot of coffee and then poured two mugs. Walking over to the back door, I opened it and handed the cups to the guards. They both smiled and then went back to watching the perimeter.

  I wondered what it would be like to live a life where privacy wasn’t a luxury. Even when Samina and I were at Stanford, we had a personal detail. After all, I was the daughter of a United States senator, and Sam was the daughter of a technology billionaire.

  I’d always wondered why our security detail hadn’t ratted us out when we got into our antics. Even the one time when I’d had Devin and Ashur come from Texas and Louisiana to help us because we decided it would be fun to challenge a group of much older law students to a drinking challenge, which then ended up causing a bar brawl, the guards hadn’t said a word to anyone. They’d just made sure we were protected and helped us escape the chaos we’d started. Too bad someone had taken a picture of us, and we’d gotten caught. But thankfully, Ashur with his tech knowledge—i.e. hacking skills—had been able to wipe any trace of the incident from the record.

  It wasn’t one of my better ideas, but what could anyone expect? Sam and I had started law school at eighteen and had never experienced true college life.

  Picking up a few water bottles and some pain meds, I returned to the living room to check on Kevin. He was still sleeping and hadn’t moved a muscle. I set the water and the medicine on the side table and turned off the light before heading upstairs to my bedroom.

  As I climbed to the first landing, something glinted in a decorative red glass bowl sitting on an inset shelf. It was Veer’s favorite pair of Deakin & Francis cufflinks in a skull-and-crossbones design. I used to get so annoyed when he’d wear them. I’d tell him it wasn’t appropriate attire for the governor of Texas, but he couldn’t care less and would make sure to don them on every formal occasion to annoy me. After a while, his rebel edge became one of his more endearing characteristics. It was his way of saying nothing could tame him.

  I picked up the heavy silver and gold pieces, and a wave of sadness engulfed me. I remembered how rushed we were to get out of our clothes that last night we’d spent together in this house. We hadn’t seen each other for weeks, and the desperate need that seemed to pulse between us had been at an all-time high. We’d never made it up the stairs. Instead, I’d pushed him to the floor of the curved landing and rode him to a mind-blowing climax.

  My nipples pebbled as I thought of a gloriously naked Veer letting me have my wicked way with him.

  Shit. I had to snap out of it. This was not the time to fantasize about my ex. I had my soon-to-be fiancé passed out in my living room because his lover had decided to marry someone else.

  God, that sounded so messed up.

  Shaking my head, I reached for the hidden zipper on the back of my dress and made my way to my bedroom. A set of suitcases sat in the corner of the room, reminding me I had a four-hour drive ahead of me. A lonely four-hour drive, to be exact. There was no way in hell Kevin was going to be able to make it, and I had to attend the bipartisan gala in New York City. It was one of the few events where all the candidates running for office, including the president, would attend. Too bad I’d have to sit with the doofus and our fellow party colleagues. I smiled, thinking about how Dad had referred to President Edgar.

  Slipping my dress off, I laid it on the back of an armchair and decided a few hours’ sleep was in order. Instead of heading to the bathroom and taking off my makeup, I crawled into my bed, set my alarm, and shut my eyes.

  I woke to the blaring sound of my clock.

  I moaned. Five a.m. already. I’d barely had a few hours.

  Smacking the evil device to silence, I rubbed the grit from my eyes and rolled out from under my covers.

  I should check on Kevin. But first, I had to freshen up and feel semi-human at this ungodly hour of the morning.

  Twenty minutes later, after a hot shower, I dressed in a pair of comfortable travel pants and a loose-ribbed sweater and then readied my briefcase for my road trip with plenty of work to keep me busy.

  I sighed. I’d hoped to have a fun and relaxing weekend with Kevin, but now it was shot.

  Making my way downstairs, I went to check on him.

  He was stirring but still out of it.

  Crouching in front of him, I set my hand on his chest. “Hey, handsome. You think you’ll be okay here? I have to go.”

  He opened his heavy lids and moaned. “What the fuck did I do?”

  “You got shit faced.”

  He groaned again and shifted to his side. “Jaci?”


  “People like us don’t get our happily ever after, do we?”

  My lips trembled. “No, not in the traditional sense.”

  “You know what hurts the most?” He sat up and grabbed a water bottle, opened it, and then took a sip. “He never even considered being open, and I was stupid enough to hope he’d change his mind. It’s like you and V. Doomed from the start. There was never a future, but you jumped in headfirst.”

  “Hey, you can’t help who you fall in love with.”

  “Tell that to my mother, or half of our party. They think it is a choice.”

  “Kev, why haven’t you ever told Ashur or Veer? They’re your closest friends.”

  “You’re my closest friend,” he countered.

  I frowned and quirked a brow.

  “Because it’s just not something we have ever discussed. Unlike women, most guys don’t spill their deepest, darkest secrets to their friends.”

  “Well, you told me.”

  “That’s because whenever I’m around you, I get verbal diarrhea.”

  “Whatever.” I crossed my arms and tried to look stern but failed by smirking.

  “And the fact that we’re playing a game that requires full disclosure.” He reached for the medicine bottle. “Hand me a pill, will you? My head hurts like a motherfucker.”

  I opened the bottled and dispensed three tablets into his palm. At that moment, my phone beeped, telling me it was time to go.

  “Hey, I’m running late. Oscar is waiting to take me to New York.”

  “Stop worrying about me.” He took his meds and relaxed back onto the couch cushions. “I’m not going to do anything stupid. I think I reached my limit last night. I’m sorry I’m bailing yet again on another weekend with you.”

  “I’ll be sure to find some way for you to make it up to me.”

  “I have no doubt.”

  “Get some rest. You can stay the weekend if you want.”

  “I may do that. I need to wallow a little before I’m ready to face the world again.”

  I squeezed Kevin’s hand and stood, picking up my shoulder bag.

  “See you later, alligator,” I said as I walked to the

  Kevin laughed and responded, “After a while, crocodile.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Five minutes after leaving Kevin, I climbed into the limo, ready to get some work done, and came to an abrupt halt. Veer sat in the back, out of the sight of any camera’s lens. He sipped his scotch and watched me.

  The privacy glass of the limo was up, telling me Oscar knew Veer was in the back.

  Veer had loosened his tie and had thrown his jacket on the seat next to him. He no longer looked the polished vice-presidential hopeful, but the sexy-as-sin man I’d fallen in love with and could no longer touch.

  I waited for the door to close and the car to begin moving before I asked, “What are you doing here?”

  He said nothing and stared at me, causing my heartbeat to accelerate. Just being in a small space with him made my skin tingle and body ache.

  “How did you know Kevin wasn’t going to be with me?”

  “Ashur told me what happened. I doubt Kevin would be up for a long drive, so I thought I’d give you some company.”

  “You do realize it’s a four-hour drive to New York,” I said, trying to keep the desire from my voice and failing miserably.

  A slight curve touched his lips, and I licked mine.

  “We’re going to the same fundraiser. It’s more fuel efficient if we carpool.”

  I shifted, kicking off my shoes, about to step into a tumultuous pond I shouldn’t even consider entering. “Is that right?”

  “Absolutely.” He set his drink in the holder next to him. “Now, I have four words for you.”

  I swallowed and said, “And what are they?”

  “Take off your clothes.”

  My eyes immediately went to the bulge in his pants, which he adjusted to emphasize the length of his beautiful cock.

  “I thought we broke up.” I moved toward him, ready to assuage the desire I always felt for him. I was a glutton for punishment who was about to do something that would make things harder in the long run. But I couldn’t help it. I needed him, and he was making it convenient for me to have him.

  “It’s for the best.” He grabbed my arm when I was within reach and pulled me toward him.

  I ended up sprawled against him. I held on to his shoulders as he parted my thighs and then settled my cleft along his hard, pulsing cock. A moan escaped my lips, and I rolled my hips to alleviate the throbbing that had flared to fire in my core.

  “This is going to complicate things.”

  He threaded his fingers through my hair and tugged my head back. “Nothing has ever been simple between us. Why start now?” He rubbed the stubble of his beard along my jaw and neck. “I need you, Jaci. You’re the only woman I’ve lost myself inside for the past three years. The thought of anyone else repulses me.”

  My heart clenched at his words.

  “Veer. Don’t say these things. It’s hard enough as it is.”

  “What? Not tell you that whether we’re together or not, I don’t want another woman. That everywhere I go, all I do is think of you, even though I know you are going to marry one of my closest friends for the sake of both your careers.”

  “Yes. It hurts too much to hear it.” I gazed into his hazel eyes. “I can’t handle thinking this is anything more than a release of sexual need.”

  A muscle in his neck twitched, and he released his hold on my hair. “Is that how you want to do this, Jaci?”

  Of course, it wasn’t. I wanted Veer and the life I’d set myself up to achieve, but having both wasn’t in the cards for me.

  “Yes,” I lied. “It can’t be anything more.”

  I ran my fingers over the scar running the length of his right cheek and cupped the back of his neck, pulling him toward my lips and kissing him.

  “So be it.” He deepened our embrace, tongues dueling and savoring each other’s taste.

  His hands went to the hem of my sweater and then slid underneath to cup my breasts. He rolled my nipples through the fabric of my bra, creating a delicious sensation that tingled throughout my body.

  “Are you wet, baby?” he murmured. “Does your pussy need my cock?”

  “Of course, I need you. It’s been six weeks. I think this is the longest we’ve gone without fucking in three years.”

  “Then show me how much you want it. Get on your knees and make him nice and wet for your soft, delicious pussy.”

  I slid off his lap, kneeling between his spread legs. I shimmied out of my pants and pulled my sweater over my head, leaving me in my bra and underwear.

  “I want you naked. Take it all off.”

  Reaching behind me, I unclasped the hook of my bra and let the silky material drop to the floorboard of the limo.

  As I reached for my thong, he said, “No. I’ve changed my mind. Leave it on. You are sexy as hell in lace. Especially lace that I bought you.”

  I leaned over, unbuttoning his tuxedo pants and carefully opening his fly to keep from catching his beautiful hard cock.

  He helped me pull him out, letting his flared head hit my lips. I licked the pre-cum dripping along the slit and moaned, loving the clean, intoxicating taste of him. My tongue followed the thick vein running the underside of his thick cock, causing it to jump. Gripping the base, I engulfed him in my mouth, letting his hum of pleasure fill my ears as I took him almost to the base of his long length. As I came up, I followed the path with the squeeze of my palm.

  “Oh Jaci. God, Jaci. That’s it. Take me, baby.”

  I sucked him with long, slow pulls, knowing that was the way he enjoyed the movement of my mouth. The heat of his smooth, hot skin against my tongue sent a shiver down my spine.

  I loved the feel of him, the taste of him, the essence of him. I bobbed up and down with my hands in tandem. His breath began to come in short pants, and his thighs quivered. He was close.

  My hardened nipples ached and puckered tighter as I worked his cock. His arousal spurred mine. A low growl formed in the back of his throat. On a downward stroke, I rubbed the delicate spot behind his balls, causing a spasm to ripple through his thick, hard cock.

  Preparing myself for the shot of his release deep in my throat, I swallowed.

  “Oh no, you don’t.” He lifted me off the floorboard and pushed me back against the leather of the seat. His dripping length bobbed between us. “I don’t come unless you come first. That’s how it’s always been, and that’s how it will stay.”

  I whimpered. My own need dripped past my thong and onto the insides of my thighs. “Then make me come.”

  “You’re very bossy, Senator Camden.” He unbuttoned his shirt, throwing it to the side, and then pushed his pants the remainder of the way down.

  I reached out to run my fingers down his washboard abs. His body was a thing of fantasies.

  “Veer,” I moaned.

  “Tell me what you want, and I may consider giving it to you.”

  “If you don’t fuck me soon, I’m going to lose my mind.”

  “Now we can’t have that.” He spread my legs, ripped my underwear from my body, and positioned his cock at my entrance.

  He pushed between the folds of my cleft, causing my back to bow and my pussy to clamp down on him.

  “Oh God, you feel so good.”

  My body quickened after a few thrusts, and without warning, my core detonated. I clenched my eyes shut as my pussy flooded around Veer’s pistoning cock.

  “That’s it, love. There’s nothing like seeing your pleasure.”

  I rode out my orgasm, holding on to the leather seat I lay on. Before I could come down, I was climbing again, but this time there was a fierce edge to his thrusts.

  “Do you make yourself come when you’re alone, Jaci?”

  I stared into his eyes. He loved watching me masturbate. It was one of those things that turned him on so much that he’d fuck me for an hour afterward.


  “Who do you think of when your fingers are deep inside your pussy, pressing against that special sp
ot?” He rotated his hips, hitting the exact place he mentioned.

  The pulsing inside me grew to steady contractions.

  “You know very well it’s you.”

  A smile touched his lips then a determined gleam entered his gaze as he altered his pace.

  “Then why aren’t we together?”

  “You’re the one who broke up with me.” I pushed my heels against the seat, trying to match Veer’s rhythm. “To become the vice-presidential candidate.”

  “What choice did I have? The woman I love would lose the chance at a dream she’s had since she was a child. Plus, she’s made a promise to marry another man.”

  “That’s not fair.”

  “Fuck fair. What I want to know is, are you going to imagine me when you have to fuck Kevin? Because he’ll have to blow his load on you if you want that precious dynasty you plan to create.”

  I wanted to cringe at his coarse words, his raw pain, but the sensation of his cock pounding into me left me no option except to feel the hard pull of our mutual need.

  “Veer, not now. Don’t say that when we’re together. Please.” I gripped his shoulders, digging my nails into his skin. “Kevin and I don’t have that kind of relationship, and you know it. He’s my friend, nothing more.”

  “Why?” He pulled out and slammed back in. “He is the Ken to your fucking Barbie. Isn’t that what the media call the two of you? The ideal Republican package.”

  “Because,” I gasped as another orgasm pulsed to life inside my core. “Oh God. I’m coming.”

  But all of a sudden, he pulled out.

  “No,” I screamed. “Don’t leave me like this.” I gasped for air, angry he would keep me hanging.

  “You don’t get to come yet. I want to know why.” He rimmed the hard, angry head of his cock around the entrance of my pussy and then rubbed it back and forth through my slick cleft.

  I blew out a frustrated breath and pushed back the hair that had fallen over my face.

  “What does it matter?” Tears streamed down my cheeks.

  “Because I want to know why Kevin doesn’t do it for you? I want to know why you think of me but are going to marry him?”